Friday, 19 September 2014

C++ program to implement doubly linear linked list

C++ program to implement doubly linear linked list.

C++ program to implement circular linked list

C++ program to implement circular linked list

C++ program to implement priority queue using linked list

C++ program to implement ascending priority queue using linked list.
Ascending priority queue : It is a collection of item in which the items can be inserted arbitrarily but only the smallest element can be removed.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

C++ program to merge two linked list

C++ program to merge to linked list. Here it is required that you enter the linked lists which are already sorted in increasing order.

C++ program to sort a linked list

C++ program to sort a linked list using bubble sort.

C++ program to reverse a linked list

C++ program to reverse a linked list using three pointers

C++ program to implement singly linked list

C++ program to perform various operations such as creation, insertion, deletion, search, display,count number of nodes, erase on singly linked list.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

C++ program to implement circular queue

C++ program for circular queue using arrays. It performs the basic operations such as insertion, deletion elements

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

C++ program to implement doubly ended queue

Here is a C++ program to implement doubly ended queue using array. In doubly ended queue can insert element by rear as well as by front and delete elements from front as well as rear.

C++ program to implement queue

Here is a C++ program for implementing the queue .it performs basic operations such as insertion, deletion of the elements.

C++ program to implement stack

C++ program for implementing a stack using arrays. It involves various operations such as push, pop, stack empty, stack full and display.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

C++ program to convert prefix to postfix expression

Here is a C++ program to convert prefix expression to postfix expression using stack. .

C++ program to convert postfix to prefix expression

Here is a C++ program to convert postfix expression to prefix expression using stack. 

C++ program to convert prefix to infix expression

Here is a C++ program to convert postfix expression to fully parenthesized infix expression using stack. 

C++ program to convert infix to prefix expression

Here is a C++ program to convert infix expression to prefix expression using stack. 

C++ program to convert Postfix to Infix expression

Here is a C++ program to convert postfix expression to fully parenthesized infix expression using stack.  

Sunday, 7 September 2014

C++ program to convert infix to postfix expression

Here is a C++ program to convert infix to postfix expression using stack.